The Texas Alternative Certification Association awards three outstanding alternative certification interns to honor as Intern of the Year. Intern awards are presented at the annual autumn conference of the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE). TACA Interns of the Year are then presented to the National Association for Alternative Certification (NAAC) during their annual conference in the early spring. The Intern of the Year program was designed to recognize these teachers and the programs that prepare them for their contributions to Texas’ students.
In an effort to align more closely with the format of the state and national conference, the TACA executive board, along with input from association members, has modified the nomination process and procedures. The selection process has been streamlined through the use of electronic media. Interns will be chosen at large with no consideration for the certification area of the intern. The selection committee will select the top three interns via a double-reviewed process in which judges do not evaluate interns from their own program.
To be eligible, the nominating program must be an active member of TACA.
At the time of nomination, the Intern of the Year applicant must meet these requirements:
Be currently enrolled, in good standing, in a TACA-member alternative certification program and employed on an Initial Certificate, OR
Have completed a TACA-member alternative certification program within the last year and be currently employed as a teacher, AND
Have been nominated by a TACA-member alternative certification program, AND
Complete ALL required materials by April 15, 2019, by the ACP entity nominating the intern.
The intern must provide no more than a 10-minute (mp4) video of the intern teaching in their classroom. The video should be observable teaching demonstrating the following five domains:
Student Interaction
Learner-Centered Instruction
Evaluation and Feedback
Student Management - discipline, instruction, strategy, time, material
Use of Technology
You must upload the video into the folder linked in the email sent immediately to the nominator following the nomination of the candidate. Please check your SPAM mail if did not receive the reply email within 10 minutes, otherwise reach out to vicepresident@texastaca.org. Refer to the Submission Procedures document for additional directions.
The rationale should provide some insight for the evaluator and give framework for the lesson presented in the video. The intern will write a one-page paper, based upon the lesson plan, regarding the reason behind teaching this specific lesson, what events have led to the specific teaching style and tools used in the video, and the expected goals for student learning.
*To address the issue of comparable amount of space allotted for each submission, all written materials are to be double-space using 11 or 12 sized Times New Roman or Calibri font.
The intern will supply the lesson plan used for the lesson taught in the video. The lesson must align to TEKS. In the lesson plan, please note the use of any technologies that would have been incorporated in the teaching but were not available through the district.
The intern must supply three mandatory letters of recommendation ON LETTERHEAD with Contact Information, one from each of the following:
Campus mentor
ACP Director
Letters should be one page and MUST include:
A strong and clear endorsement of the intern’s teaching skills,
Information related to classroom performance,
Contributions to and participation in school or district committees,
Evidence of cooperative working relationships with parents, peers and community; and
Unique contributions to the school and evidence of leadership responsibilities
The letter should be two pages in length and MUST include:
The intern’s name, email address, contact phone number, and mailing address,
Why the intern selected teaching as a profession,
Why the intern selected an alternative route to certification,
Why the intern believes alternative certification is important and valuable,
Any awards or recognition received during internship,
Any professional growth beyond the required internship training
You must upload the written materials into the folder linked in the email sent immediately to the nominator following the nomination of the candidate. Please check your SPAM mail if did not receive the reply email within 10 minutes, otherwise reach out to vicepresident@texastaca.org.
If at any point you need assistance or clarification about the award process or submission procedures, please contact the current Vice President at VicePresident@TexasTACA.org. Again, the submission procedures are outlined in the Intern Submission Procedures document.