February 10-11, 2020
Region 20 ESC
1314 Hines
San Antonio, TX 78208
Monday, Feb. 10, 2020
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Enjoy breakfast and fellowship with other educator preparation program leaders from across the State of Texas.
Day I Opening: Welcome to the TACA Winter Retreat
Calvin J. Stocker - TACA President
Welcome to the TACA Winter Retreat
Board introductions
Vision for our time together
General Session I: Alternative High Impact Touchpoints
Center for Transforming Alternative Preparation Pathways (CTAPP)
Traditional High-Impact-Touchpoints closely mirror the structure of Formal Observations—a classroom observation (either planned or unannounced) followed by a debrief with the novice teacher. Alternative High-Impact Touchpoints represent a plethora of different approaches to coaching a novice teacher. This session will focus on presenting seven different types of Alternative High-Impact Touchpoints, with an opportunity to delve deeper into select touchpoints. Teacher Educators will leave with a slew of strategies to incorporate into their toolkit for supporting novice teachers between Formal Observations, providing frequent, structured, touchpoints that cater to the developmental needs of the teacher that serve both to accelerate novice teacher effectiveness and to increase student achievement in the classroom.
Breakout Session I: Defining the Problem of Practice
Small-Group Facilitators
Problem of Practice Topic #1 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
Problem of Practice Topic #2 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
Problem of Practice Topic #3 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
TBD ISD Culinary Program
Enjoy lunch and fellowship with other educator preparation program leaders from across the State of Texas.
General Session II: edTPA Best Practices from Across the Nation
Innovation Center 4 Educator Preparation
This session will showcase how educator preparation programs from across the United States have successfully implemented supports and structures for submission of edTPA. The Innovation Center 4 Educator Preparation visited programs in California, Tennessee, and Washington to learn how others have successfully supported their teacher candidates along the path to certification through edTPA. We will share changes made to coursework and clinical experiences, timelines, and other helpful tips garnered from our learning tour.
General Session III: The Science of Teaching Reading
This session will support teacher preparation programs in designing and implementing research best practices for supporting novice teacher candidates in the Science of Teaching Reading.
Day I Closing: Planning and Committing to Action
Jonett Miniel - TACA Treasurer
Planning time
Commit to action
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
TBD ISD Culinary Program
Enjoy breakfast and fellowship with other educator preparation provider leaders from across the State of Texas.
Day II Opening: Day II of the TACA Winter Retreat
Lidia Zatopek - TACA Advisor
Day I feedback review
Vision for Day II
Breakout Session II: Overcoming the Problem of Practice
Small-Group Facilitators
Problem of Practice Topic #1 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
Problem of Practice Topic #2 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
Problem of Practice Topic #3 - TBD based on survey completed by TACA Membership
General Session IV: Membership Meeting
TACA Board
Approval of Minutes
Old Business
New Business
Election of TACA Vice President ​
Election of TACA Secretary
TBD Topics
Lunch: Texas Education Agency Address and Q&A
TBD ISD Culinary Program and the Texas Education Agency
Learnings from edTPA Pilots and Best Practices (and Requirements) in Educator Preparation
Texas Administrative Code Update(s)
Question & Answer for the TACA General Body